developing press kits, messaging, and branding

Publicity at Ooligan Press

developing press kits, messaging, and branding


Ooligan Press:

Team members:

Tiffany Watson Publicity Manager

Sydnee Chesley Marketing Manager


Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Specialized Pitches
    • Publishers Weekly
    • Author Events 
  • Press Kits
  • Newsletter Management
    • MailChimp: 3 campaigns with a total of 1150 reached. 4 campaigns in progress.
    • MailMerge: send out bulk emails of up to 200 contacts at a time.
  • Special Projects: Researching potential events and outreach for Ooligan Press.
    • Rethinking: Write to Publish as an event. 


  • Establish Publicity Manager position: Define Roles and Responsibilities
  • Create workflow: Integrate publicity into the established marketing plan.
  • Built press kit templates and publicity resources
  • Collect Archive of Ooligan Publicity to use as example of successful media engagement.
  • Teach Lessons on Publicity tools and give press wide updates.