Data Collection, Analysis, and Critique


Data Collection, Analysis, and Critique

Team members:

Tiffany Watson Researcher 

Chris Leal Research and Emoji cataloger

Denise Morales Soto Research and Designer 

Faith Muñoz Research and Twitter Expert

Megan Crayne Beall Research and Data Interpreter 



    • Define perimeters of research question: determining affect of Portland Book Festival attendees.
      • Positive vs Negative affect
      • Interactions: retweets and mentions
        • retweets of panelists, Literary Arts official twitter
        • interactions between festival attendees and panelists official Literary Arts twitter.
      • Recommending future use of official Literary Arts twitter
    • An aside to this research project involved attending the festival and writing detailed reflections on the events in the style of a short-term observational report. 