You will notice, should you like the details, that I have two names on this site: Tiffany and Reenee. Confusing isn’t it?

You may call me Tiffany, nearly everyone does, even inanimate objects like my license and mail do.

Reenee is a family name given to me by my hard of hearing grandpa who mistook my brother’s shortening of my name to Neenee as Reenee. Ts and Fs tend to be hard to pronounce for little ones learning to speak! 

When my grandpa died, I wondered where Reenee would go. What she would do. I am still uncertain, but in this digital age perhaps she can be preserved here.

As for Tiffany…I will do nearly any job you require as long as it relates to books.

I do lots of things! I can design books, edit them, and even write them! I can market them, publicize them, and create events around them. There are many samples of my work to sift through on this site, visit the gallery to discover them all. 

For any additional information view my resume.
